Raised Trackbar Bracket for TJ Front Axle

- 1/4" steel
- CNC laser cut and CNC bent for precise fit
- Engineered using 3D scan files
- Replaces factory bracket
- Engineered for lifts 3” or higher
- Raises roll center for increased stability
- Improved ground clearance
- Made in the USA

This heavy bracket is designed to replace the factory trackbar bracket for improved link geometry with crossover steering on the front 30 and Rubicon 44 axles in the Jeep TJ, LJ, XJ, and ZJ. If you've changed your steering, you need to match your trackbar to make it parallel to the draglink. This bracket gives you several options to find the perfect geometry. The 1/4" thick CNC precision cut and formed components of this setup ensure a quality, heavy duty solution. NOTE: This bracket offers several raised trackbar holes. Every lift is different and some trial and error may be necessary to find the ideal ride. This bracket is NOT bolt on and requires welding. This bracket will also require modifying or fabricating a new trackbar itself since it will be slightly shorter. This bracket attaches to the axle next to the factory coil perch. Joint width is 1.65", so use our Narrow Misalignment Spacers with 7/8" Heims if you are building your own Trackbar.
Notes : This kit requires general welding and fabrication skills. Welding should only be done by a competent welder. Artec Industries implies no guarantees or warranties and is not liable for improper installation.


Install Instructions
This part requires welding and fabrication skills if
you are not confident in your abilities please take to an Off-road shop to
install this part.
This part does not work with an off the shelf Track bar A custom Track bar will need to be fabricated
Tools Required :
Safety Glasses, Gloves,
Socket Set, Wrenches, Jack, Jack stand, wheel chocks, Cutting Tool of
your choice (Sawzall, Grinder, plasma, cutting torch) Welder.
Step 1:
Inventory that you have all of the parts for your order If
you are missing parts or have incorrect parts contact Artec Industries
Immediately @ (855)-278-3299 M-F from
8am-5pm MST If it is after those hours
please Email Sales@Artecindustries.com
Step 2:
Place wheel chocks at the rear of the vehicle , Use a jack to lift the front of the vehicle and
set the front axle securely onto the
Jack stands.
Step 3:
Remove your current track bar from the vehicle.
Step 4:
Use a wire wheel or flap disk to clean and prep the axle
tubes for welding .
Step 5:
Insert TJ3013-2 tab into keyway cut out on part
TJ3013-1. Once the tab is inserted into
the keyway insert your trackbar joint into the bracket to adjust mounting width
and tack weld the inner plate into place .
Step 6:
Remove your track bar from the bracket and fully weld the
inner part of the bracket into position.
Step 7:
Set track bar mount into position on the axle you should
have a measurement of 4" between
center of OEM bracket bolt hole to center of
lower bolt hole on the Artec bracket.
Weld track bar bracket into position.
Step 8:
Prime and Paint the bracket we get the best results with
rustolem paint .
Step 9:
Measure the distance from Frame side track bar mount to
desired mounting hole bracket and fabricate a new track bar, Once the track bar is fabricated install it into
the vehicle
lower the vehicle off
of the Jack stands and take to an alignment
shop to have an alignment is performed to ensure the geometry is correct.

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